Thermostability and Temperature Rise Limit of UHV Dry-Type Smoothing Reactor with Air-Core Fever ( or pyrexia): Abnormally high body temperature or a disease characterized by it. 特高压干式空心平波电抗器的耐热性能与温升限值发热:异常升高的体温,或以异常升高的体温为特征的疾病。
Such a temperature rise is seen as the limit of safety, beyond which the effects of climate change become irreversible. 气温的这种升幅被视为安全极限,一旦逾越,气候变化的效应便不可逆转。
That is the target of the Copenhagen talks, and is the temperature rise regarded by scientists as broadly the limit of safety, beyond which some of the effects of climate change would become irreversible and catastrophic. 这一气温升幅正是哥本哈根会议的目标所在,也被科学家视为大致的安全上限。超过2摄氏度,气候变化的部分影响将造成不可挽回的灾难性后果。
Temperature rise limit shall meet the one specified corresponding to the insulation level. 温升限值应满足相应绝缘等级所规定的温升限值。